Monday, December 3, 2012

What if I told you..

Over the years I've often found myself sitting in the middle of two different points of view. It has often had the unfortunate affect of leaving me without any discernible "side" to call my own. sometimes accused of being a fence-sitter, as time has worn on I can now very confidently object to such a metaphor as being both biased and inaccurate. What if I told you, there is no fence, and there are no sides. These concepts are in fact  an artificial construction of our own minds. They create a static immutability in the way both the head and heart can travel and grow. They define rules that limit critical thinking and even more importantly, the capacity to let our hearts love.

Ironically, I perceive opposing sides as two  faces of the same coin. It is their very polarity that makes them so similar. They are divided by the same forces that join them: Darkness, Anger, Pride. Interesting that all these attributes are internal. We can argue that these sorts of emotions are the product of seemingly unjustifiable events that have occurred in our lives but regardless of their origin they are what they are. They are not good things to have living inside our hearts. Justifying their presence through external events only strengthens and entrenches their existence, and by extension the actions they give rise to.

One of the biggest lessons I ever learnt from Yoga is the idea to internalise, to find your answers from the inside -rather than trying to make sense of the chaos on the outside. Unlike the outside, we have full control of the inside. A paradigm shift occurs when you realise that no matter what the complexities of the situation you face are, the way to peace begins inside your own heart, and not through the actions of others. This is true empowerment, and if everyone was wise and brave enough to take this hard journey towards inner-light, the world would be a much better place.

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful Bruce. Nothing we are searching is 'out there'. It was, is, and always be 'in here' ~ our home, our internal, sacred heart. xo ~
