Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Final Class at St Andrews

Hi all

I came to a moment of clarity this evening with regards to the future of the St Andrews Wednesday lunchtime yoga class.

I feel the time is right to let this class gently float into the summer sunset. I will not be running any more classes in 2015, tomorrow, the 17th December 2014 will be the final class.

It feels like a significant decision for the simple reason that the classes have been going for so many years. In spite of the fact that I never once advertised the class it remained economically viable, notwithstanding the fact that I probably could have easily doubled or tripled the numbers if I'd been motivated enough to actively market the class.

But that's the thing, I'm not a commercial Yoga teacher, and I never really have been. I'm an enthusiast yoga teacher who has genuine interest in the sharing the practice using my own specific approach of guidance and facilitation, but who has no interest in selling a product. There has never been financial motivation for me in relation to my classes by virtue of my day job in the I.T. sector which has always paid me well and continues to do so. This does not mean I have not appreciated the success of my classes, everyone likes to see other people finding value in what you offer, it's just that the reward for me personally was never about the money.

I can easily summarise the primary list of reasons why I've decided the time is right:
  • I will be away for the entire month of February on an overseas trip
  • The quarterly blood collection at the hall has always caused disruption to class continuity
  • A desire to make 2015 a more focused year on my own practice and goals
The final point is probably the most significant reason. It may sound a bit selfish, but in the long term it will likely only make me a better teacher.

On that note I feel that teaching will always be present in my life in some shape or form, and this should in no way be taken as an indication that I am getting tired of it. There is an endless joy to be found in sharing your creations with others, and if anything, I still have a lot of unrealised ideas and ambitions when it comes to my classes and their future possible shape and structure. I don't know whether the fairly abstract ideas I have will ever become more solid and closer to reality, but it remains a possibility depending on how my life unfolds. I remain open to all possibilities.

In terms of what my heart is telling me, my decision to end this class feels like a peaceful one, with only a minimal sense of guilt towards my loyal participants, some of whom have been doing classes with me for around a decade. I can only thank those who have attended my classes for their support and positive energy, because you have all contributed to the richness of my own personal journey, and I am genuinely grateful for every smile, and every kind word.

I would like to close by saying that while I believe my classes have value simply by virtue of the community and focus they create, the essence of the practice should never be found in the centre of a class or even the teacher. It should be found in the participant, and my sincere wish is that you all take that essence away with you and make it yours, because it never belonged to me, I was just sharing a process, one that I think is very beautiful and meaningful beyond the purely physical benefits. As non traditional as I may be, I feel that it is my sincere belief in the practice beyond it's physical boundaries that makes me worthy of the title Yoga Teacher.


Monday, August 25, 2014

No class tomorrow 27 August

Hi all. Reminder that there is no class tomorrow at St Andrews due to the quarterly blood collection.